Friday, February 24, 2006

Good News From Iraq!

Where are those right wing foghorns when the fan's on full bore spraying faeces all over their disingenuous justifications for war? Been a while since we had images of GI Joe with garlands of flowers rubbed into our noses, hasn't it?

Quiggin asks why this has received so little attention:
It’s quite possible, in fact, that Sadr will emerge as the most powerful figure in Iraq’s new government. You remember Sadr–the guy the United States accused of murdering a moderate Shia cleric just days into the war. The guy who recently visited Iran and Syria to express solidarity with their anti-American dictators. The guy whose militia (which we tried–and failed–to disarm several years ago) periodically attacks British troops in the Iraqi south. Yes, that Sadr. Well, he’s now Iraq’s Dick Cheney.
All he needs is a few Sunni lawyers to shoot.

Just wait for the batwings to cut-and-run when the going gets really ugly...


Armagnac Esq said...

="These vile fools just sicken me"=

That would be including the author of this site you visit. I think you should engage a little more intellect and a little less vitriol when attacking this issue.

That said, I admit we're all prone to launching into it from time to time. But, dear batwings, this is a classic case of you were wrong and we were right, so I'm not surprised that there will be increased resorting to frustrated curses by those who believed they were right first time around.

Armagnac Esq said...

Of that's clever, YOU fuck it up but We're supposed to come up with the solution?

It's a class A monumental fuck up. As I and other - lefties? people who don't believe in making war every time you want to achieve an objective? - anti gulf war 3ers said it would be.

It isn't cheap political points- it IS the political point, and if it isn't drummed home hard enough then no lessons will be learned, ad nauseum.

When the right admits this was the wrong course of action and all those articles and posts ridiculing the anti war lobby were wrong, then the issue for us may be offering solutions.

We're not in power, you are, so fix it.

Seeing as you want the hypothetical I would have kept up the pressure on Saddam's regime, but not invaded to kick him out. I would have focussed on the war on terror, which has sweet fuck A to do with Iraq; except in the ants nest stirring sort of way.

I now have the bodycount on my side.